
The story ain't over ...

... o pereche de pantaloni, un maiou si un strop in plus de alcool; la ce se rezuma o seara(?!) o plecare a ciuva inspre munti, o alta seara cu altcineva, un strop de alcool in plus; la ce se rezuma o vara(?!) ... cand stii ca ai totul?! cand ai o droaie de prieteni in jurul tau sau cand "prietenii" nu te anunta, macar ?! cand te astepti la ceva si esti sigur ca vei obtine sau cand nu te astepti la nimic si crezi ca vei fi la fel?! veselie inseamna fericire?! bucurie reprezinta cu adevarat fericire?! este cineva care-ti poate raspunde la toate intrebarile... un filosof ar spune "doar tu!"... ar ffi ideal daca,macar, tu ti-ai putea raspunde... de ce vorbesc "cu mine" la persoana a doua?! nici macar la asta nu-mi pot raspunde ... de ce scrii porcariile astea ?! daca le scrii inseamna ca mai ai o farama de speranta... si de fapt la ce speri?!... de ce pui puncte de suspensie dupa aproape fiecare fraza?! intotdeauna va ramane ceva, intotdeauna vei omite ceva... te salveaza acele puncte de suspensie?! de unde stii ca intotdeauna?! de unde stii ca da sau ca nu?!
A face public ceea ce gandestii, simti si scrii este ipocrit! cine va intelege vreodata ce este in capul tau! in capul tau putred... cat de inalta este marea?! cat de adanc e cerul?! cum poate o intrebare sa convietuiasca alaturi de o exclamare"?!" ... de ce te autodistrugi?! asta este intrebarea, poate, cea mai delicata... dar poti sa te autoedifici?! as vrea sa invat!
"Roy ar spune" - nothing ever dies

The Story Ain't Over ... (and will never be...)

Rousing from dreams, craving for someone
Wept himself to sleep
He s waiting for a sign from above
Where is the love

The hourglass in pieces, dashed to the wall
The future is over
Tomorrow's been slipping away
And nothing remains

He'd known it won't last forever
She'd go ahead for a while

When you open your eyes
When you gaze at the sky
When you look to the stars
As they shut down the night
You feel this story ain't over

Where is the candle in this lonesome night?
Angle why are you so wayward
Abandoning me, try my belief

When life is not words
and tongue is not answers
And we only can t see a reason
Why would it mean
that it's not meant to be

He'd known it won't last forever
She d go ahead for a while

When you open your eyes
When you gaze at the sky
When you look to the stars
As they shut down the night
You know this story ain't over

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