

Bebop one of the many subgenres that jazz has. Evolved in the 1940's, the "main-man" was Charlie Parker, alongside Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong. They revolutionized the Jazz music. Their stile was called bebop the child of the first form of Swing. So Charlie Parker a.k.a. "The Bird" or "Yardbird"



Jazzie Jazz !!!

This is what I call Jazz music ! The great Buddy Bolden's band ! Loud sound and constant improvisation ! That's the most powerfull weapon of any musician ... 
Just shut your eyes and let the music go down in your soul ... 



Obsesiile sociale !

Stau de multe ori si ma gandesc care-i faza cu societatea asta. Cu tara asta, cu tampenia asta in care toata natiunea asta si-a inecat ratiunea ! A te complace sau a face compromisuri ?! A refuza sau a te revolta ?! A renunta si a fugi ! La ce se reduce simplul fapt ca nu vrei sa faci parte din turma si sa ai destule coaie sa-ti programezi singur "transhumanta" ?! Cineva spunea undeva: a avea vointa inseamna a nu fi de acord, a nu te supune, a dezaproba. Culmea, mie-mi place si cum suna si ce reprezinta. Sunt unul dintre oamenii aceia care refuza sa se alinieze, care nu inceteaza sa se revolte cu inversunare si incredere, care se complace doar cand nu are de ales si face compromisuri atata timp cat i se ofera altele in schimb. Cat timp sa scuipi contra vantului ca societatea sa inceteze sa te mai considere incapatanat si arogant si sa realizeze ca tot ce vrei faci este sa pui piciorul in prag si sa nu-l mai ridici. 
Spiritul civic ?! Spiritul civic este acel atuu al oamenilor (Fiintă superioară, socială, care se caracterizează prin gândire, inteligentă si limbaj articulat), instinctiv pe care societatile decazute prefera sa-l uite si sa-l umple de rusine. Pana si cei mai increzatori in schimbare sunt demoralizati si deceptionati de cei prea multi care prefera sa-si taie mainile ca sa fie scutiti a le mai spala. Ok, poate nu este cea mai buna comparatie... 


Are you bored ?! Part one

How can you be bored in times like this: you can have all the movies in the world with just a click of a button, you can read almost any book (worth mentioning), you can "practice" your hobby any time ... there are some many things to do with your spare time! Don't waste it !
You can allways watch The Penguins Of Madagascar. Some quality laugh, or if not funny, then watch it for relaxation! It works on me! My advice - the funniest episode : season 1- episode 7!

A little preview:


Here is a great thing to think about !

Guitarists should be famous for their complexity and the amount of work they'we put in studying music, and not for their obssesion for loudness and chaotic sounds !
For example :

poetry !!!

This is another great band. Germans who taught americans how to compose their lyrics! Ironic ...

Enjoy :


A true classic indeed !

sometimes I just want to read an original classic or to listen to a authentic classic song ... and to that considerent, here is a true very original rock song !
Enjoy : Blue Oyster Cult - Don't fear the reaper

All our times have come
Here but now they're gone
Seasons don't fear the reaper
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain
We can be like they are

Come on baby... Don't fear the Reaper
Baby take my hand... Don't fear the Reaper
We'll be able to fly... Don't fear the Reaper
Baby I'm your man...

Valentine is done
Here but now they're gone
Romeo and Juliet
Are together in eternity...
Romeo and Juliet

40,000 men and women everyday... Like Romeo and
40,000 men and women everyday... Redefine
Another 40,000 coming everyday...We can be like
they are

Come on baby... Don't fear the Reaper
Baby take my hand... Don't fear the Reaper
We'll be able to fly... Don't fear the Reaper
Baby I'm your man...

Love of two is one
Here but now they're gone
Came the last night of sadness
And it was clear we couldn't go on
The door was open and the wind appeared
The candles blew and then disappeared
The curtains flew then he appeared
Saying don't be afraid

Come on baby... And we had no fear
And we ran to him... Then we started to fly
We looked backward and said goodbye
We had become like they are
We had taken his hand
We had become like they are

Come on baby...don't fear the reaper


Somebody said: sometimes when you're winning, you're loosing

Passion can surely kill you ... fight for something with passion and at the same time you're about to obtain what you fought for you're gonna be loosing on the other side something equally important.
I'm still one of those who belive in honesty and respect, and repels treason !

Great show ! Captivant, full of suspense...